Tuesday, December 2, 2008

+Positive Restrain+

I was trying to make the title of my entry today interesting but truth to behold, it is boring....And so that explains the funny symbols at the side to jazz it up abit. Well, doesn't matter anyway.Its the content right?

Today we shall talk about restrain. What exactly is restrain? To put it simple, restrain is something that holds you back from doing something. In the secular context, restrain is often seen in a negative light as something that inhibits your potential and prevents you from reaching your dreams. Issues like a lack of self-confidence, fear of failure and perhaps, a low level of IQ are constantly shelved on the hall of blame. Of course this are restrains that prevents you from the lifestlye of your dreams, no doubt. But since this have been talked on so much in our society, I refuse to join in the forray and make my article boring. All for your sake!!!

Restain can be postive as well. There are many aspects of positive restrain, but I will only focus on the most unheard one today. Restrain in the form of empathy. Many a times in our life we find that we may benefit if we are to take advantage of other people's weaknesses. One example. In a social setting, I find that many people try to find someone to tease and make fun of so as to gain the attention and acceptance of their friends. Such a move will obviously hurt this guy's feeling. This is where restrain of empathy comes into play. If the 'teaser' was to empathize and realize that this guy would get hurt and act on this empathy, he will not make fun of him. This is a good situation. However, in doing so, he will have to suffer the opportunity costs of not having gained his friends acceptance. This is also why restrain of empathy is so hard to act upon. Like all other restrains, it entails a sacrifice. However, restrain of empathy is even harder to act upon since you know that the power to act is in you.

Now, you may be thinking that restrain of empathy is only good in a general context but it is not beneficial for the individual. That may seem so on the superficial surface. But on deeper introspection, restrain of empathy is positive to the individual. Restrain of empathy helps you make friends since people know they are emotionally safe around you. It also helps you to gain the respect of others, which is a crucial component of effective leadership.

On the other hand, restrain of empathy whout CERTAINLY NOT be confused with other restrains such as inadequacy and a lack of confidence. People like to have a delusion of control and so they attribute their crappy life to the restrain of emphathy. For instance, they say 'Oh! I did not fight back for myself not because I do not dare to, but because I am afraid I will hurt them'. For goodness sake, it is 100% appropriate to defend yourselves should the need arise. Confusing this 2 would only leave you in a downward spiral of hopelessness and frustration.

To end off, I hope that all readers may begin to practice restrain of empathy. Not only will it help you, but it will make this world a so much better place to live in.

Jethro Low

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