Thursday, December 18, 2008

Put the fingers to the strings

"Put the fingers to the string". Yes, that is what I did yesterday, along with a few others. Namely my brother, eddie and oliver. We went to jam at a jamming studio. It all started when eddie suggested to me that we should go book a studio and jam our hearts out. So it was not long that we find ourselves taking a bus down to tampines safra and trying to find the studio, which is called living forte. Haha me and eddie couldn't recall the name so we thought it was living stone. Corney. And yes I mentioned that we had to find the place. Thats because it is situated in some super ulu area in the industrial park. Well, I guess its because its far cheaper to rent there.

I have to admit that the place is pretty cool. It's warm and cosy and the floor is carpeted. Throw in a friendly service-orientated owner for a cool price of 13$ per hour and what you get is a great deal. But the equipments are another story altogether. For a start, the drums were crappy enough. Then, the electric guitar was seriously out of tuned ( to the extent that its impossible to tune it) that they had to change it.But I guess the amps more that make up for it. Almost all were marshall, which produced nice beefy and soulful tones. Weee!!! I reallylike to twang a brightness of my guitar.

After much setting up and getting a little pissed, we were all set and ready to go. So theres me on rhythm guitar, my bro on lead guitar, oliver on drums and eddie on bass. This is OUR band. ( lol kidding) We decided to play Hosanna by hillsongs. I have to say that its really fun. Its really another thing to play alone at home and to play as a band. You have to watch the timing and all that dynamics. It really is an experience.

I want to go back again! Eddie said that we should go back next week. I guess its already set in stone for me.

Note: I think I should learn to blog. My writing style aint too good.

Btw, if you want to reach them for some jam, click here- They work on a booking basis. That means that they only open the place if you call them in advance to book. the fee is $15 per hour. Student is $13 per hour.


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